Munich OnkoTrack
Gemeinsam mit dem DKTK bietet das CCC München seinen forschenden jungen Ärzten und Nachwuchswissenschaftlern, den sog. Fellows, seit 2019 den Munich OncoTrack innerhalb der DKTK School of Oncology an. In ausgewählten Modulen können die Fellows für eine Hospitation in für sie interessante, klinische oder wissenschaftliche Abteilungen des eigenen Klinikums oder des jeweiligen Partnerklinikums wechseln (LMU Klinikum und Klinikum rechts der Isar). In dieser Rotation erhalten die Fellows über drei Jahre (mit 3-4 Tagen pro Jahr) gezielt Einblicke in Bereiche jenseits ihres eigenen onkologischen Fachbereichs.
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Impressions of the Munich OncoTrack

I recently had the opportunity to spend a few days at the DKTK Department for Translational Oncology, within the research group led by Martin Sos. As a scientist from a neighboring lab, this rotation allowed me to gain deeper insights into their research, which I hope will foster better collaboration in the future. It was a pleasure meeting the team, and I would like to extend my gratitude to the DKTK for granting me this opportunity, and to Lisa for hosting me.
November 2024

Within the Munich OncoTrack, we spend 3 days it the lab of Dr. Mirjana Kessler at LMU Klinikum, which focusses on patient-derived organoids in gynecological oncology and biology of reproduction. It was super nice to learn the method for ovarian cancer organoid formation, starting with the isolation of cells from the tumor, to the daily handling and immunofluorescence for specific markers. It was also a great opportunity to get to know the work of colleagues and exchange scientific ideas.
June 2024

I participated in the Munich Onco Track module provided by the department of hematology and oncology of the University hospital Klinikum rechts der Isar at the Technical University of Munich. The visit was planned for three days and covered a visit to the pharmacy as well as theoretical insight into all systemic therapies provided by the clinic, a visit of the molecular tumor board and insight into the division of stem cell transplant. I had three very interesting and informative days, that seemed to be pretty well prepared by the organizers. I would like to emphasize the unique opportunity included within this module to visit the pharmaceutical department, where I learned about the required internal procedure to produce cytokines and other medication on a defined time schedule for a multitude of daily patient treatments. Also, I learned interesting and useful facts about the background of finding suitable molecular targets for cancer patient therapy before the results are transferred by the molecular tumor board to the treatment unit. A very unique experience was given at the division for stem cell transplant, covering visits to patients under treatment, looking behind the procedures of this treatment unit as well as an informative background in finding and processing stem cell transplants. I highly recommend to take part in this module and learn a lot about hematological cancer treatment by a very friendly team of experts.
May 2024

With the DKTK School of Oncology OncoTrack rotation at the LMU radiology department I was given the opportunity to get an insight on oncologic imaging. I was integrated into the daily routine and especially learned the mechanism of PET-CT, its advantages and also its pitfalls. "You can only see what you measure" is the key message, raising awareness of PET-negative tumor entities and also the different properties of the markers that are in use. I also gained insight on clinical imaging analysis and imaging analysis within studies which do not necessarily overlap and how to place the imaging results in the context of tumor dynamic and treatment response more accurately. I therefore would like to thank Prof. Dr. Kunz and the whole department for this valuable experience and can only recommend the Munich OncoTrack rotation.
April 2024

During April 2024, medical and clinician scientists from across the DKTK partner site Munich were welcomed to the labs of the chair of proteomics and bioanalytics at the Technical University of Munich based in Freising. Over a three-day course, researchers were introduced to quantitative proteomic techniques, clinical proteomics, and basic data analysis. Scientists also had a chance to chat with leading experts on how to design proteomics experiments. A big thanks to the DKTK and the Küster lab for hosting this exceptional event.
DKTK Fellows von links nach rechts: Dr. med. Hendrik Gaßmann, PhD (Kinderklinik München Schwabing, TUM), Dr. med. Susanne Flach (Klinik und Poliklinik für Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde, LMU Klinikum), Dr. William Keay (Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik III, LMU Klinikum), Dr. med. Jaqueline Lammert (Klinik und Poliklinik für Frauenheilkunde, MRI), Dr. Martin Troßbach (Klinik und Poliklinik für Innere Medizin II, MRI), Dr. med. Anne Holtermann (Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik IV, LMU Klinikum), Dr. med. Christian Rausch (Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik III, LMU Klinikum) und Dr. Enric Redondo-Monte (Klinik und Poliklinik für Innere Medizin II, MRI)
April 2024

Coming from the pediatric field, the MunichOncoTrack rotation at the LMU Med III & Palliative Care provided me with broad insights into the medical care in adult oncology. The first day at the palliative care unit with Dr. Till Arnold revealed to me how a multiprofessional team explores the needs of a patient and takes care by controlling symptoms, relieving uncertainties, supporting relatives, and providing guidance.
At day two, I gained insight into the oncology and hematology outpatient department: besides seeing a broad patient spectrum, including enrollment of a patient with colon cancer and liver metastasis into a clinical trial, PD Dr. Julian Holch introduced me into quality management and how it fosters well-structured patient examinations and keeps track of test results and procedures, while allowing more patients to be seen per day.
My final day on the ward blood stem cell transplantation (KMT/Blutstammzelltransplantation M21) with PD Dr. Johanna Tischer and Dr. Heidrun Drolle really sparked my interest in stem cell transplantation: starting from the structured handover of patients by the nightshift, going to clinical rounds including examinations using ultrasound, the possibilities of an intermediate to intensive care unit were inspiring to me. Within scheduled team meetings patients with different entities and risk profiles were evaluated based on evidence-based criteria for their eligibility for stem cell transplantation. This final day really encouraged me to learn more about stem cell transplantation!
A grateful thank you for making this rotation possible!
February 2024

During my OncoTrack rotation at LMU Klinikum's Department of Internal Medicine II, I was hosted by PD. Dr. Christian Schulz and Bianca Teodorescu. Over three days on the F21 ward, I gained insights into diagnosing and treating patients with gastrointestinal diseases, such as pancreatic cancer or liver cirrhosis. I was able to shadow all aspects of clinical work on the ward. My highlight was observing endoscopic and colonoscopic resection procedures, providing me with the opportunity to have a glimpse into the treatment of early gastric cancers.
I extend sincere thanks to PD. Dr. Christian Schulz, Bianca Teodorescu, and the entire team for this unique experience. Their expertise gave me novel insights into translational medicine and new perspectives for my own research.
Dezember 2023

Our final OncoTrack rotation gave us the opportunity to get to know the palliative care unit and the psycho-oncology department at the LMU Klinikum. We were impressed by the close interaction of different healthcare professions, the time invested in speaking with the patients and each other, and the positive atmosphere throughout the whole ward. The focus on the patients’ needs and wishes instead of following standard algorithms stood out and it was clear how valued and comfortable the patients felt. We are happy we got the chance to learn more about this side of life and medicine, and are sure we will be back for the 1-week palliative care course.
November 2023

The DKTK School of Oncology gave me the unique opportunity to broaden my horizon and spend time at the Zentrum für Psycho-Onkologie at the LMU Klinikum. The team was so kind to include me in the daily routine and let me participate at the weekly team meeting. I could join visits of the patients on the different wards of the hospital. I have benefited a lot from this hospitation and I can strongly recommend to other fellows to visit the Zentrum für Psycho-Onkologie!
June 2023

Munich OncoTrack made it possible for me to rotate to the palliative care unit at the LMU Klinikum for 3 days. Here, I learned a lot about improving the quality of life for patients with a broad spectrum of serious illnesses. I was extremely impressed by the interaction of healthcare specialists from different professions providing comprehensive care for their patients. Furthermore, I would like to highlight the warm and welcoming atmosphere on the ward. I have benefited a lot from this rotation and I can strongly recommend it to other fellows!
April 2023

As part of the DKTK Munich OnkoTrack Rotation we had the opportunity to participate in the Proteomic Module at the TUM Chair of Proteomics and Bioanalytics organised by Annika Schneider. We got an introduction and hands-on experience into the world of clinical proteomics and were able to see the workflow in the lab. From the technical background to clinical application we discussed our own project ideas and even had the chance to build new collaborations with Annika and her team. The motivation to explore this field even further was definitely augmented by this module. Not only did we learn about Proteomics, but we were also able to connect to other DKTK fellows from the school of oncology. Thank you Annika for the great organisation. We all highly recommend participating in the proteomics module!
March 2023

Due to the Munich OncoTrack rotation, I spent three exciting days at the Department of Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology at the LMU Klinikum (Campus Großhadern). I gained further insights into the planning and application of conventional radiotherapy, brachytherapy, and magnetic resonance imaging-guided radiotherapy, as well as research projects of the department. Additionally, I learned more about the management of radiation therapy side effects. This rotation improved my comprehension of radiotherapy and will facilitate multidisciplinary collaborations and new research ideas. I would like to thank the whole team of the Department of Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology at the LMU Klinikum for this very interesting rotation, and I can highly recommend the Munich OncoTrack program.
January 2023
„Sind Sie jetzt das Kommando zum Himmel?“
So lautete die Begrüßung des ersten Patienten bei der morgendlichen Visite, die ich während meiner Tage auf der Palliativstation begleiten durfte. Ursprünglich hatte ich die Hospitation mit der Absicht gewählt, um mehr über medikamentöse Symptomkontrolle und Applikationswege von Arzneimitteln zu lernen. Sehr schnell stellte ich jedoch fest, dass nur durch die gut geschulte Kommunikation mit den Patienten, Therapien funktionieren, Nöte gelöst und Leiden umfassend gelindert werden können. Zutiefst beeindruckte mich, mit wie viel Ruhe und Zeit wiederholt auf die zum Teil sehr unterschiedlichen und auch ambivalenten Fragen, Wünsche und Ziele aller Patienten eingegangen wurde. Zudem war es für mich ein großes Geschenk, eine so empathische und gleichzeitig sehr zielorientierte und souveräne Gesprächsführung mit unheilbar Erkrankten oder Sterbenden erleben zu dürfen, in der sich die Patienten spürbar sicher und gut aufgehoben gefühlt haben. Eine weitere neue Perspektive für mich eröffnete sich in der sehr intensiven, multiprofessionellen und hoch individualisierten Betreuung der Patienten u.a. durch Krankenpflege, Seelsorgern, Psychologen, Atemtherapeuten, Physiotherapeuten und Sozialarbeitern, die alle in fein abgestimmter enger Zusammenarbeit unermüdlich das Lebenswerte für Patienten und Angehörige möglich machen. Von Herzen danke ich Dr. Till Arnold, seinen ärztlichen Kollegen und dem großen Team, in das ich vorübergehend so freundlich aufgenommen wurde, Antworten finden konnte und Neues lernen durfte. Wenn auch nur kurzzeitig, so sind Erinnerungen an viele Begegnungen und Momente von prägender Bedeutung für mich und meine Ausbildung zur Ärztin für Hämatologie und Onkologie.
November/December 2022

Dr. med. Viktoria Blumenberg (2. von rechts, Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik III, LMU Klinikum) mit Dr. med. Till Arnold (rechts) und zwei weiteren Mitarbeiterinnen in der Klinik und Poliklinik für Palliativmedizin des LMU Klinikums. Bild unten: Balkon der Patient:innenzimmer der Palliativstation

As part of my Munich OncoTrack rotation, I had the opportunity to work for 3 days at the Department for Radiation Therapy at the TU Munich. On the one hand, I was able to get a great insight into the procedures of a gamma-knife radiation treatment and to better understand the advantages and also the "disadvantages" of this type of radiation treatment as well as its planning procedures. Furthermore, I was able to gain insights into the treatment and planning of tumor patients using tomotherapy. Due to the continuous table movement and the resulting spiral application of radiation therapy, this form of therapy differs from the classic linear accelerators and was therefore an exciting experience for me. Overall, I would like to thank the whole department very much for this valuable experience!
December 2022

The 3-day Munich OncoTrack rotation in the Department of Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology at the LMU Klinikum, Campus Großhadern, allowed me to gain deeper insight into their complex and valuable work as clinicians and scientists. I was able to study different aspects of their clinical routine including radiation treatment planning and delivery, brachytherapy, stereotactic radiotherapy, magnetic resonance imaging guided radiotherapy, as well as to learn about various interesting research projects. I feel that the knowledge and interdisciplinary relationships acquired during this rotation enhanced my understanding of radiotherapy, will improve interdisciplinary collaboration, and help to establish novel research projects. I therefore highly recommend the Munich OncoTrack program and would like to explicitly very much thank the team of the Department of Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology for this valuable experience.
September 2022

As part of the Munich OncoTrack rotation, I was kindly invited to spend time with the colleagues at Innere Medizin III: Hämatologie und Onkologie where I was heartily welcomed and integrated in the team. Matching my research in immunooncology I gained fascinating insights in the diverse clinical applications of immunotherapy and targeted therapy for malignancies outside my field of ENT. It was a very interesting and enriching learning experience I highly recommend.
September 2022

During my DKTK Munich OncoTrack, I had an interesting and intensive rotation in the Institute of Pathology at the Technical University of Munich. I was given a structured and broad insight from basic tissue workup: frozen sectioning, cutting to histology, immunohistochemistry to high end molecular pathology. As surgical resident, I was especially excited to see what steps are taking place after an operative tumor resection. I was also able to gather new inspiration for potential research methods and cooperation.
August 2022

As part of the Munich OncoTrack, we were able to spend three days at the Institute of Pathology of the Technical University of Munich (TUM). We had the opportunity to follow the different steps of histopathologic diagnostics including sectioning of patients organs, fixation, paraffin embedding, staining, and immunohistochemistry. Especially the frozen section analysis was very interesting for us, since the process of cutting, freezing, sectioning, and staining tissue happened within minutes and we could observe every part of it right up to the diagnosis. Coming from the department of oncology, rotating into the Institute of Pathology was very valuable for us and we highly recommend the possibility for clinical rotations within the Munich OncoTrack.
August 2022

My final OncoTrack rotation allowed me to spend three very interesting days at the Department of Urology at the LMU Klinikum. Starting with the molecular urologic tumor board, PD Dr. Severin Rodler was so kind to introduce me to the team and took me to his medical consultation where current therapy was discussed with the patients. He explained me each urologic case and the procedures in detail and gave me a good sense of how to handle new patients. I was able to see the different therapeutic options for kidney, urethral and prostate cancer, including novel immunotherapies and surgery. It was very fascinating to join an ultrasonic-assisted biopsy of a kidney carcinoma. On the last day, I got valuable insights into the research PD Dr. Rodler, which focuses on artificial intelligence (AI). I was particularly impressed how clinical parameters from different sources (e.g. radiology, pathology, clinical markers) could generate a powerful AI in the future that not only helps the urologist but also other disciplines in their clinical decision making. I really enjoyed my time at the Department of Urology and would like to thank the whole team for their welcoming atmosphere and their well-done teaching. Thanks to the Munich OncoTrack program, I could expand my horizon to other disciplines (mass spectrometry, pathology and urology) and I can highly recommend the program.
July 2022

Aufgrund meiner Forschungsschwerpunkte Neuroonkologie und Wirbelsäulenmetastasen habe ich mich sehr gefreut, meine erste DKTK Munich OncoTrack Rotation in der Nachbardisziplin Neurochirurgie verbringen zu dürfen. Im Rahmen dieser Rotation mit klinischem Fokus hatte die Möglichkeit eine Hirntumorresektion sowie eine Wirbelsäulenoperation mitzuerleben, was mich nachhaltig beeindruckt hat. Ich konnte auch erste spannende Einblicke in das intraoperative Neuromonitoring gewinnen und durfte in der Neuropathologie die anschließende Auswertung des Tumormaterials miterleben. Hier konnte ich insbesondre auch ein erweitertes Verständnis des MethylationEPIC arrays („850k-Analyse“) und dem Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) gewinnen. Meine Mentorin Frau Prof. Baumgarten durfte ich in Ihre Sprechstunde sowie mehrere Tumorboards begleiten und habe auch die Visite auf Station miterleben können. Von der Hospitation nehme ich nicht nur wichtige, über den radioonkologischen Tellerrand erweiterte klinische Einblicke in die Neuroonkologie mit, sondern freue mich auch sehr über die neu entstandenen Vernetzungen. Ich habe von der Rotation auf fachlicher und persönlicher Ebene sehr profitieren können und kann nur jeden ermutigen, die Möglichkeit des Munich OncoTracks wahrzunehmen. Für das engagierte und sympathische Mentoring möchte ich mich allen voran bei Frau Prof. Baumgarten und Herrn Prof. Thon sowie bei dem gesamten Team der Neurochirurgie der LMU herzlich bedanken.
July 2022
In our Munich OnkoTrack rotation in the Institute of Pathology (MRI), we were introduced to the teams working in the Comparative Experimental Pathology (CEP) and Molecular Pathology. We were given the opportunity to see how each of these units function in a day-to-day environment and how they work together to provide state-of-the-art care to patients. Furthermore, we spent one day learning how the resection specimens are processed and analyzed and we could get to know the daily clinical routine of a pathologist in charge of the intra-operative frozen section consultation. It was a very interesting and enriching learning experience for both of us.
April 2022

As part of the Munich OncoTrack I was able to spend 3 days at the Department of Radiation Oncology, Technical University of Munich. I joined the morning meetings where current treatment plans were discussed, and new patients were introduced. On my first day I visited the outpatient clinic and got introduced to the clinical follow-up of patients who had received radiotherapy treatment. The following days I was able to join the head and neck tumour board and visited various radiooncological facilities, including the planning CT room where I witnessed the fitting of a radiotherapy mask. In addition, I was able to gain insights into radiotherapy planning and the different treatment modalities such as tomotherapy, brachytherapy and stereotactic radiotherapy. I enjoyed my time at the Department of Radiation Oncology (MRI) very much and would like to thank the whole team for their time and dedication. It was a valuable experience and I can highly recommend the Munich OncoTrack.
April 2022

The Munich OncoTrack rotation allowed me to spend three immensely fascinating days in the Surgical Department, MRI. Prof. Ihsan Ekin Demir, who is a specialist in visceral surgery and is focused on nerve-carcinoma interactions in gastrointestinal tumors, took me onto patient visits and even enabled me to attend a Pancreatectomy. In addition, Dr. Carmen Mota Reyes introduced me to the research field of pancreatic cancer and the concept of studying dorsal root ganglion (DRG) organoids. I was also able to observe the extraction of DRGs from the spine of mice and current transplantation experiments of pancreatic cell clines. In our discussion, we saw potential for future collaborations, where I could contribute with my experience in sequencing analyses. The days in the clinic have been extremely informative and exciting, especially for me as a Bioinformation, who is usually not involved in clinical and laboratory processes. Dr. Mota Reyes, Prof. Demir and the rest of their team made my stay more than worthwhile. I can highly recommend taking the opportunities that the School of Oncology provides to gain valuable insights into different areas.
March 2022

As part of the Munich OncoTrack rotation, I was allowed to spend 4 days at the Department of Nuclear Medicine at the University Hospital rechts der Isar (MRI). Starting with the different diagnostic procedures such as PET-MR, PET-CT or scintigraphy, I was able to gain more experience in the diagnostic assessment of the procedures with their advantages and also disadvantages. In the second part of the rotation, I was able to get to know the variety of inpatient therapy options and the daily routine on the nuclear medicine ward. The variety of different diagnostic but also therapeutic procedures in nuclear medicine impressed me very much and I am very glad to have been able to gain this practical experience. Therefore, I would like to thank the whole team of the nuclear medicine department for this valuable experience.
November 2021

The Munich School of Oncology gave me the unique opportunity to broaden my horizon and spend a couple of days in the outpatient clinic of the gastroenterology department at the LMU Klinikum. Prof. de Toni was so kind to include me into his clinical ward to see patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and other hepatic malignancies. Being a surgeon myself, I was introduced to state-of-the art treatment and latest studies. We discussed multifaceted as well as difficult treatment decisions. For all future School of Oncology Fellows I truly recommend spending time and learning from Prof. de Toni.
October 2021

During the clinical rotation Munich OncoTrack at the Institute of Pathology of Technical University of Munich (TUM) in August 2021 we got insights in the daily routine of the department as well as in modern pathology. We joined the whole process from macroscopic sectioning of patient’s organs, fixation, paraffin embedding, sectioning to tissue stain. During our hospitation we got the chance to visit the Core Facility Comparative Experimental Pathology (CEP) at the Institute of Pathology to learn more about histological and immunohistochemical staining methods. On our last day we visited the department of Molecular Pathology and joined the Molecular Tumor Board. It was a great experience to visit another department and clinic. We can highly recommend the Munich OncoTrack.
August 2021

I highly recommend a rotation at the palliative care unit. I got valuable insight into this very special phase of life and experienced to see how much one can still offer patients, even you might think nothing can be done anymore. I appreciated the emphasis put on communication and empathy with the patients and the multidisciplinary approach in patient care. A very warming atmosphere – I felt very welcome and look forward to my next rotation within the Munich OncoTrack.
August 2021

The 3-day Munich OncoTrack rotation at the chair of proteomics and bioanalytics of the TUM gave me valuable insights into state-of-the-art proteomic applications and proteomic data analysis. On the first day I got introduced to sample preparation at the bench, the most recent mass spectrometers and two standard programs used for data analysis (MaxQuant and Perseus). Using these programs I learned how to analyse a full proteome as well as a phospho proteome. On the last day I was finally able to analyse raw mass spectrometry data from my own samples. I´m looking forward to further collaborations with the chair of proteomics and bioanalytics and to my next Munich OncoTrack rotation!
April 2021

Within the Munic OncoTrack rotation I spent 3 fascinating days at the Department of Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology at the LMU Klinikum, Campus Großhadern. The rotation was the perfect opportunity to gain insight into the planning and application of radiotherapy. I was particularly impressed by stereotactic radiotherapy, brachytherapy and the revolutionary technology of the MR Linac, which tracks tumors via MRI in real-time for stereotactic radiotherapy with the highest possible precision. Furthermore I was able to increase my knowledge in the out- and in-patient management of radiation side effects, which will be useful for my clinical work. I would like to thank the whole team of the Department of Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology at the LMU Klinikum for the warm welcome and the kind mentoring!
December 2020

The clinical 3-day Munich OncoTrack rotation at the Department of Radiology at the LMU Munich was a great opportunity to learn more about oncological diagnostics. Starting with CT imaging, I was able to get to know the different diagnostic and evaluation programs that are used in diagnostics but also in research. I learned how oncological reports are made for various diagnosis, which things have to be considered and which pitfalls exist. In the PET-CT department, I got a lot of insight into the process from tracer injection to the final written report and the advantages and disadvantages of PET-CT imaging. Overall, I was able to improve my diagnostic skills and gain further input for research topics and collaborations with the department of radiology. I can highly recommend participating in the Munich OncoTrack Program!
November 2020

The clinical rotation Munich OncoTrack at Klinikum rechts der Isar MRI in Sept./Oct. 2020 enabled me to improve my clinical knowledge in the field of oncology. I had the chance to participate in various clinical divisions from the outpatient clinic to the hospital ward which deals with autologous and allogeneic stem cell transplant patients. The highlight of the rotation was my participation in the molecular tumor board MTB, discussing clinical-pathological data and molecular findings of selected cancer patients with an interdisciplinary team of physicians. I can highly recommend applying for the Munich OncoTrack, to broaden one's horizon and to gain new research collaboration partners for multimodal treatment approaches.
October 2020

The DKTK 3-day research rotation Munich OncoTrack at the Institute of Pathology TUM gave me valuable insights in the state-of-the-art methods which are used in daily routine as well as in research projects of pathologists. Starting with isolated patients´ organs, I learned the involved steps from macroscopic sectioning to frozen section procedure or formalin fixation, followed by histologic diagnosis as well as further molecular analysis via next-generation-sequencing of isolated DNA and RNA from tumor areas. My research project will benefit from the acquired knowledge as well as the interdisciplinary communication which might lead to novel collaborations.
September 2020